
Osaki Os-4000LS vs Titan Executive
The Titan Executive Massage Chair and the Osaki OS- 4000LS Massage Chair have their fair share of similarities and differences. In this comparison we will cover the different aspects of each chair. We hope to make your massage chair buying experience as easy as possible.
Both chairs feature heat, body scanning, stretching options and body compressing airbag systems. They also both feature multiple levels of speed and intensity adjustment. Both chairs have features in the footrest to accommodate many different heights. Zero gravity is present on both chairs, but the Titan Executive has a 2 stage zero gravity system.
Massage Track
The Titan Executive features a 32” S-track roller system located in the backrest of this massage chair. This S-shaped design provides a more realistic massage to your back normally only offered by human hands, so your whole back receives a comprehensive massage therapy. The Osaki OS-4000LS features a 42” L-track massage system that increases the overall surface area of your massage by an additional 30% by extending your massage past your lower back, through your glutes and all the way down to your upper thighs.
The Executive use a large remote with a screen that is just as big. The touchscreen will give you full control of your massage experience. You will be able to visually see the options that you can select. The remote on the Osaki Os-4000LS is designed to fit easily and comfortable in your hand. The LCD display makes it easy to view. There is a clear size difference between these two remotes.
Air Compression Massage
24 Airbags are used in the Osaki 4000ls to create a compression massage system all over the chair. The Executive has 61 airbags that can be found in the shoulder, arms, hands, legs and feet. The numbers are vastly different in the airbag count on these two chairs.
Color Options
The Osaki OS-4000LS comes in 3 color options of black, brown and cream. The Titan Executive comes in 3 different color options that fall into a very neutral category. The colors are beige, black and brown.
Both chairs are going to give you a really good massage. The Maxim has a few more features than the Active. Osaki has packed a lot of technological features into the Maxim. In this comparison we focused on the features that are unique to the individual chair and similar between the two chairs.
If you have any questions or just want to chat about massage send us an email at info@massagechairplanet.com. Rather instantly talk to a person? That works for us too! Give us a call at (888) 346-3220. We can even be reached directly through the Live Chat option on the page.